Building Age-Friendly Health Systems, One Community at a Time

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. In America’s current health system, older adults regularly experience inappropriate care and a lack of attention to their wishes. To address this problem, The John A. Hartford Foundation and its partners are implementing the Age-Friendly Health Systems (AFHS) initiative. An Age-Friendly Health System is one in which every older adult receives the …

Embracing the Culture of Accountability: How We Measure Success in Achieving Our Mission

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. With increased focus on social determinants, health care organizations now see the value in partnering with community agencies. These partnerships require organizational transformation. This presentation will explore the benefits of “embracing a culture of accountability,” where the work remains mission-driven, but data-informed. Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley has challenged …

Using Evidence-Based Programs to Promote Age-Friendly Health Systems

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Presenters will give participants background on the Evidence-Based Leadership Council (EBLC), its role in selecting and promoting evidence-based programs and its Program Locator function. The presenters will describe the Age-Friendly Health System’s initiative and its goals. Age-Friendly Health Systems follow the 4M’s framework to provide appropriate care: What Matters—aligning care …

The LTSS Care Management Experience Survey: A Tool to Enhance Contracting Between CBOs and Healthcare Entities

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. A significant challenge experienced by community-based organizations (CBO) in contracting with health care entities is health care partners’ reluctance to share data on the outcomes of CBO services. In response, the health plans workgroup of the Trailblazers Learning Collaborative developed a standard long-term services and supports (LTSS) care management client experience …

Tools to Accelerate Cross-Sector Partnership Development

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Please join us on September 19 to preview four tools designed to help Community-Based Organizations (CBO) accelerate cross-sector partnership development efforts. As part of a learning collaborative established by the Aging and Disability Institute (ADBI) to develop multiple approaches that will advance integration between CBOs and health care organizations, four tools …

Washington State’s Health Home Model: A Home-Based, Person-Centered Approach to Improving Health Outcomes

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. In response to nationwide efforts to better coordinate and manage service delivery to Medicaid recipients, the State of Washington initiated the Health Home Model of care coordination, which focuses on high-cost, at-risk Medicaid enrollees who have one or more chronic health conditions. These beneficiaries struggle with multiple issues, such as access …