Rules of Engagement: Considerations in Forming a Network


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. ​You’ve got willing and interested partners, but how formal does your network need to be in order to contract with a health care partner? What are the options? This presentation will review the reasons why forming a network are beneficial, review network model options and considerations to forming a network, and …

Telling Your AAA’s Story: A Guide to Creating & Implementing Your Brand


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Frustrated that people don't know who the Area Agency on Aging is or what it does? Ever thought about how branding the AAA can tell a story that lives in clients' minds and symbolizes trust, adaptability, credibility, and knowledge? Learn how to be a storyteller and discover how your stories become …

Contracting Between Community-Based Organizations and Health Care: New Insights from the 2020 RFI


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Join the Aging and Disability Business Institute and Scripps Gerontology Center for the release of new data on contracting between aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) and health care entities. Previous Business Institute Request for Information (RFI) surveys found that aging and disability CBOs across the country are contracting with health …

Health Disparities: Asking the Right Questions to Spark System Change in a COVID-19 World


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Professionals in the Aging Network, human services and the research industry will better understand their role in community public health when they learn how the Detroit research study, "Dying Before Their Time," is triggering systemic change, especially in a COVID-19 world. Ronald S. Taylor, President and CEO of the Detroit Area …

Collaborations Between Health Care and Community-Based Organizations: How Can the ROI Calculator Help?


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. This webinar will introduce participants to the Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator for Partnerships to Address the Social Determinants of Health, which was developed with support from the Commonwealth Fund. Health care organizations and community-based organizations (CBOs) have limited tools to support joint planning, goal-setting and estimating the financial return on …

Contracts 101: Formalizing Network and Provider/Payer Relationships


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. In furtherance of its mission to build and strengthen partnerships between CBOs and the healthcare system, the Aging and Disability Business Institute is releasing model contracts for network participation and for provision of services to healthcare providers and payers. This webinar will discuss the contract negotiation process, provide an overview of …

Keeping Your Agency Out of Peril with Risk Management


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Nonprofit leaders tend to assume that if they have insurance and perform financial audits, they are covered from a risk management perspective. But nothing could be further from the truth. Effective risk management requires committing to a regular process of looking for threats and opportunities in every part of the organization—operations, …

JASA’s Care Transitions Intervention for Older Adults: Integrating Health Care and Social Services


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Being discharged from the hospital can be a high-risk episode, especially for older adults. To address the challenges faced when inpatient care ends and an older adult returns to the community, JASA has developed a home-based care transitions program to address the social determinants of health, reduce 30-day hospital readmissions and …

On the Cutting Edge—Learn From Three Award-Winning Innovators About Their CBO—Health Care Partnerships

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Each year, The John A. Hartford Foundation Business Innovation Award recognizes community-based organizations that are improving health outcomes and quality of life for older adults and/or persons with disabilities, in their communities. In 2020, the Aging and Disability Business Institute recognized several innovative programs. Runners up for The John A. Hartford …

Survey Launching Soon! Your Chance to Inform the Field of Integrated Care


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Join n4a’s Aging and Disability Business Institute and Scripps Gerontology Center for a brief webinar to learn how you can inform the field of health care contracting. With the launch of the fourth health care contracting survey right around the corner, staff from the Business Institute and Scripps Gerontology Center will …

Advance Care Planning: What Matters Most to Your Client?


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Learn how the evidence-based program Respecting Choices can help you support your clients to receive care and services aligned with what matters most to them. Through the telling of a story, presenters will cover how Respecting Choices can help you optimize your Advance Care Planning programs. Join this webinar to hear …

Medicare Advantage Innovations: What Your Agency Needs to Know About VBID

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), through the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model, tests an array of Medicare Advantage (MA) health plan innovations aimed at improving quality and/or reducing costs. Aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking and engaged in contracting work with MA plans should keep their competitive …