Evidence Bank

The Evidence Bank is a collection of research studies on common services provided by CBOs that demonstrate outcomes attractive to a health care partner. This collection is updated on a bimonthly basis. For more information, read our Explanations and Instructions page.

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Transportation January 29, 2018 Ride Share Background Transportation to primary care is a well-documented barrier for patients with Medicaid, despite access to non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) benefits. Rideshare services, which offer greater convenience and lower cost, have been proposed as an NEMT alternative. Obj... Read More
Care Management/Care Coordination March 12, 2021 Connecting Provider to Home program Objective Patients with multiple medical conditions and complex social issues are at risk for high utilization and poor outcomes. The Connecting Provider to Home program deployed teams of a social worker and a community health worker (CHW) to support patients with social issues and acc... Read More
Fall Prevention/Mobility October 11, 2016 Project Healthy Bones Background Project Healthy Bones (PHB) is a 24-week, peer-led exercise and education program for older adults at risk of osteoporosis. Method Residents from an assisted living and senior community program were enrolled after medical clearance. Participant demographics, geriatric fit... Read More
Fall Prevention/Mobility September 10, 2018 Tai Ji Quan: Moving for a Better Balance Importance Falls in older adults are a serious public health problem associated with irreversible health consequences and responsible for a substantial economic burden on health care systems. However, identifying optimal choices from among evidence-based fall prevention interventions i... Read More
Fall Prevention/Mobility July 12, 2016 Tai Ji Quan: Moving for a Better Balance Objectives To evaluate the impact of implementing an evidence-based fall prevention intervention in community senior centers. Methods We used a single-group design to evaluate the Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance (TJQMBB) program’s adoption, population reach, implementation, ef... Read More
Fall Prevention/Mobility August 8, 2018 Bingocize Objective A significant barrier to improving the health and well-being of older adults is that they often do not adhere to health-promoting programs. The present study examined whether Bingocize®, a game-centered mobile app that can combine bingo with healthy activities such as exercis... Read More
Fall Prevention/Mobility April 27, 2015 A Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader Model (MOB/VLL) Purpose of the Study The current study was designed to examine changes in falls efficacy and physical activities among oldest-old and young-old participants in a falls risk-reduction program called a matter of balance/volunteer lay leader model. Design and Methods An oldest-old group... Read More
Fall Prevention/Mobility March 21, 2015 A Matter of Balance Abstract This pre/posttest study investigated the effect of A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls (MOB) on balance confidence in older adults. MOB is an evidence-based program designed to decrease fear of falling and increase activity in older adults. Thirty-three particip... Read More
Disease Management January 3, 2018 Living Better Beyond Pain/Vivir Mejor Más Allá del Dolor Background Patients with chronic pain often lack the skills and resources necessary to manage this disease. Objective To develop a chronic pain self-management program reflecting community stakeholders’ priorities and to compare functional outcomes from training in two settings. Des... Read More
Disease Management October 26, 2010 Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine project Objectives Adherence to diabetes self care is poor for Hispanic American and African-American patients. This study examined the change in adherence over time and in response to a telemedicine intervention for elderly diabetes patients in these groups compared to white diabetes patients... Read More
Disease Management June 22, 2018 Better Choices Better Health Diabetes (BCBH-D) Background An estimated 30.3 million Americans have diabetes mellitus. The US Department of Health and Human Services created national objectives via its Healthy People 2020 initiative to improve the quality of life for people who either have or are at risk for diabetes mellitus, and h... Read More
Disease Management August 16, 2011 Seniors Taking Charge of Your Health Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of a history of depression with moderate physical activity and physical function before and after a physical activity intervention of congregate meal participants in senior centers from all 12 Georgia Area Agencies on A... Read More
Dementia Care, Disease Management April 10, 2014 Project Learn MORE (Missouri Outreach and Referral Expanded) (PLM) Purpose In a collaborative effort between the Missouri Department of Health, Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), Alzheimer Association, and academic researchers, we tested whether early dementia detection and comprehensive care consultations would improve health outcomes in care receivers (C... Read More
Disease Management December 6, 2013 Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Background Among the most studied evidence-based programs, the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) has been shown to help participants improve their health behaviors, health outcomes, and reduce healthcare utilization. However, there is a lack of information on how CDSMP, w... Read More
Disease Management, Mental Health April 1, 2007 Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors (Healthy IDEAS) Abstract This study evaluated an evidence-based intervention for depression delivered by case managers in three community-based service agencies to high-risk, diverse older adults. Case managers were trained to provide screening and assessment, education, referral and linkage, and beha... Read More
Care Management/Care Coordination November 1, 2019 Ambulatory Integration of the Medical and Social (AIMS) Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study was to examine the time contribution of social workers in delivering AIMS (Ambulatory Integration of the Medical and Social), a care management protocol designed to address patients\' nonmedical needs, and the association of time contribu... Read More
Care Management/Care Coordination February 3, 2020 Community Health Workers; IMPaCT model Interventions that address socioeconomic determinants of health are receiving considerable attention from policy makers and health care executives. The interest is fueled in part by expected returns on investment. However, many current estimates of returns on investment are likely overe... Read More
Caregiving September 10, 2018 Powerful Tools for Caregivers The Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) program is designed to help caregivers develop skills to improve their self-efficacy in caregiving. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the PTC program in Boise, Idaho, the program’s pre-survey (n = 277), end-of-program survey (n = 131), and 6-mon... Read More
Caregiving August 16, 2012 Acquiring New Skills While Enhancing Remaining Strengths (ANSWERS) Purpose This study examined the efficacy of a newly developed intervention, Acquiring New Skills While Enhancing Remaining Strengths (ANSWERS), for family caregivers of individuals with dementia. ANSWERS was designed for dyads comprised of an individual with dementia and his/her family... Read More
Caregiving March 16, 2018 Tele-Savvy Abstract Introduction This study examined the feasibility and efficacy of Tele-Savvy, an online version of the Savvy Caregiver Program, a psychoeducation program for caregivers caring for a person with dementia. Methods A convenience sample of 22 caregivers from the Atlanta VA and 4... Read More
Caregiving May 12, 2014 The Savvy Caregiver Program Abstract This article reports on the impact of the Savvy Caregiver Program (SCP) on English-speaking caregivers of Hispanic, Black/African American, and Asian/Pacific Islander descent. Caregivers completed a questionnaire prior to study enrollment, at 6 and 12 months post-enrollment. C... Read More
Care Transitions September 25, 2006 Care Transitions Program Background Patients with complex care needs who require care across different health care settings are vulnerable to experiencing serious quality problems. A care transitions intervention designed to encourage patients and their caregivers to assert a more active role during care trans... Read More
Care Transitions November 14, 2018 The Bridge Model for Super Utilizers Objective: The objective was to identify if the intervention would reduce hospital utilization. Design: We used a retrospective, single group, pre-post design to provide a preliminary evaluation of Bridge-SU.   Setting: Teaching Hospital, West Chicago Participants: Individuals 18... Read More
Care Transitions April 27, 2016 The Bridge Model Summary  Efforts to reduce readmissions after hospital discharge are increasingly being made to better identify and address social and logistical needs in addition to attending to post-hospital clinical challenges. A transitional care model based in the social work professional skill s... Read More
Care Transitions November 1, 2018 Community Passport to Care (ComPass 2c) Purpose To evaluate the ComPass2c program by (1) effectiveness in reducing 30-day hospital readmissions, (2) reach of program into target population, and (3) implementation of key program elements. Primary Practice Setting  An academic hospital in New England (John Dempsey Hospital).... Read More