New Opportunities for Community-based Organizations: Supplemental Benefit Flexibilities and Medicare Advantage


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. The CHRONIC Care Act, implemented through the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, has provided Medicare Advantage (MA) plans several flexibilities related to offering a more expansive set of supplemental benefits know as Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI). During this webinar, participants will learn about these new benefits and hear …

Enhancing Partnerships to Address the Social Determinants of Health


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. The Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) has partnered with Coordinated Care Alliance (CCA) on an initiative that brings together healthcare entities and community-based organizations (CBO) to enhance their collaboration. This partnership has moved the needle when it comes to addressing social determinants of health in the community, and thus meeting …

Contracting Dos and Don’ts


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. This webinar addresses basic considerations for healthcare contracting. Presenter, Paul Cantrell will cover the general Who, What, Where, When, and Hows of contracting with healthcare payers, including these key issues: basic contract provisions, negotiation considerations, non-disclosure and privacy, basic pricing considerations, insurance, volume, exclusivity and noncompete provisions; geography, data, quality and …

Lessons Learned from the n4a Health IT Learning Collaborative


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. This webinar will highlight the work done during the n4a Health IT learning collaborative, which was brought together to help CBOs building their IT capacity to contract with healthcare partners. It will describe the successes and challenges participants experienced in their efforts to search for and determine the type of IT …

Health Care Contracting in the Age of COVID-19


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. As never before, COVID-19 starkly demonstrates that health and prevention happen in the community. Organizations with close ties to vulnerable populations, at the neighborhood level, have an opportunity to prove the value of social health interventions to health care partners. This web seminar will explore real-world examples of contracts between community-based …

Integrating Clinical and Community Service Delivery


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. This webinar will provide details and insights from an Area Agency on Aging’s (AAA) experience managing the CMS Innovation Center's Accountable Health Communities (AHC) model. The Denver Regional Council of Governments is the only AAA in the country to manage an AHC, a model designed to 1) bridge the divide between …

Telling Your AAA’s Story: A Guide to Creating & Implementing Your Brand


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Frustrated that people don't know who the Area Agency on Aging is or what it does? Ever thought about how branding the AAA can tell a story that lives in clients' minds and symbolizes trust, adaptability, credibility, and knowledge? Learn how to be a storyteller and discover how your stories become …

Learning Through Crisis—Evaluating the Public Health Impact of Remote Behavioral Change Programs for Older Adults During COVID-19

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Since the advent of COVID-19, community-based social service organizations in the aging sector have pivoted to deliver evidence-based programs (EBPs) remotely to reach older adults who …

Medicare Advantage Innovations: What Your Agency Needs to Know About VBID

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), through the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model, tests an array of Medicare Advantage (MA) health plan innovations aimed at improving quality and/or reducing costs. Aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking and engaged in contracting work with MA plans should keep their competitive …