Health Care Contracting in the Age of COVID-19


REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. As never before, COVID-19 starkly demonstrates that health and prevention happen in the community. Organizations with close ties to vulnerable populations, at the neighborhood level, have an opportunity to prove the value of social health interventions to health care partners. This web seminar will explore real-world examples of contracts between community-based …

Learning Through Crisis—Evaluating the Public Health Impact of Remote Behavioral Change Programs for Older Adults During COVID-19

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Since the advent of COVID-19, community-based social service organizations in the aging sector have pivoted to deliver evidence-based programs (EBPs) remotely to reach older adults who …

Medicare Advantage Innovations: What Your Agency Needs to Know About VBID

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), through the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model, tests an array of Medicare Advantage (MA) health plan innovations aimed at improving quality and/or reducing costs. Aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking and engaged in contracting work with MA plans should keep their competitive …

Amplifying All Voices in Aging

The SCAN Foundation 2021 Forum This year’s virtual event, Amplifying All Voices in Aging, is a four-week series to explore the stories of real people aging and engaging with our health care and long-term services and supports systems. Attendees will also hear from experts and stakeholders along the way. Learn about the Forum. 

Amplifying All Voices in Aging

The SCAN Foundation 2021 Forum This year’s virtual event, Amplifying All Voices in Aging, is a four-week series to explore the stories of real people aging and engaging with our health care and long-term services and supports systems. Attendees will also hear from experts and stakeholders along the way. Learn about the Forum. 

Amplifying All Voices in Aging

The SCAN Foundation 2021 Forum This year’s virtual event, Amplifying All Voices in Aging, is a four-week series to explore the stories of real people aging and engaging with our health care and long-term services and supports systems. Attendees will also hear from experts and stakeholders along the way. Learn about the Forum. 

Amplifying All Voices in Aging

The SCAN Foundation 2021 Forum This year’s virtual event, Amplifying All Voices in Aging, is a four-week series to explore the stories of real people aging and engaging with our health care and long-term services and supports systems. Attendees will also hear from experts and stakeholders along the way. Learn about the Forum.