Building Partnerships to Scale Effective Dementia Care Supports: Indiana University and Indiana’s Area Agencies on Aging

Indiana University (IU) was awarded grant funding in 2020 under the Administration for Community Living Alzheimer’s Dementia Programs Initiative to implement the Caregiver Stress Prevention Bundle (CSPB) for people living …

The John A. Hartford Business Innovation Award: Three Award-Winning AAAs Speak About Their Innovative Health Care Contracts and Partnerships

Each year, The John A. Hartford Foundation Business Innovation Award recognizes community-based organizations that are improving health outcomes and quality of life for older adults and/or persons with disabilities through …

Community Benefit 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Planning and Reporting Community Benefit

CHA's Community Benefit 101 program will continue to be offered as a virtual event in 2022! A highlight for 2022 will be the debut of the newest edition of CHA's nationally-recognized resource, A Guide for Planning and Reporting Community Benefit which will include updates on identifying and addressing health disparities and forming more authentic, effective community partnerships. …