Community Care Hub 101 Learning Series: Contracting Opportunities to Address Health-Related Social Needs

The Administration for Community Living (ACL), in collaboration with the Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care (powered by USAging’s Aging and Disability Business Institute), invites community-based organizations …

Request for Proposals Informational Call, Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care

The Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care (COE), part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute at USAging, is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through a cooperative agreement totaling approximately $12 million over a three-year period with 100 percent funding by …

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule: Opportunities for AAAs, CBOs and Networks

Data, Billing and Coding: What AAAs, CBOs and Networks Need to Know The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) new health related social needs (HRSN) screening— at the hospital inpatient level and with physicians — are providing Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), and community-based organizations (CBOs) with opportunities to expand partnerships with health clinicians …

Introduction to Community Care Hubs: Why CILs Should Be Involved

Join the Aging and Disability Business Institute in partnership with ILRU for a discussion with colleagues from the U.S. Administration on Community Living (ACL) and Centers for Independent Living (CIL) on the value of the community care hub (CCH) model in supporting the advancement of independent living and bringing social care expertise to health care …

Aging Policy Briefing & Capitol Hill Day: Billing Codes and Data Standards: What AAAs, CBOs and Community Care Hubs (CCHs) Need to Know to Navigate the Social Care Payment Landscape

Park Hyatt Washington, DC 1201 24th Street NW, Washington, DC, United States

Billing Codes and Data Standards: What AAAs, CBOs and Community Care Hubs (CCHs) Need to Know to Navigate the Social Care Payment Landscape The 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule adds …