Sustainably Financing Community Health: Where to Look, When to Pursue, and How to Access Different Sources of Capital – Part Two

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. Join All In: Data for Community Health for the first of a two-part webinar series covering sustainable financing, alternative payment models, and tools to help …

Contracting with Health Plans: Why Working With Health Plans and Payers Is Vital to the Independent Living Movement

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. This webinar will inform CILs (Centers for Independent Living) and other CBOs (Community-Based Organizations) about partnering with health plans and payers and how it can help to diversify the funding and building of self-sustaining programs. The presenters have first-hand knowledge of how working with health plans and payers provides an …

Building and Financing Sustainable Partnerships between Health Care and Community-Based Organizations

REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR HERE. In a newly released report that Meals on Wheels America prepared with Quantified Ventures, and supported by Nonprofit Finance Fund, Effective Partnerships Between Community-Based Organizations and Healthcare: A Possible Path to Sustainability, describes a first-in-kind attempt to develop a Pay for Success project between a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan and Meals …