Key Outcome: Utilization

Date of Study May 31, 2021 Community Care Connections Program Background Integration of social services in health care delivery is i Read More
Date of Study May 5, 2015 Social Work Care Coordination Abstract This study assessed how a social work–led care coordination Read More
Date of Study March 25, 2021 Health-Related Supports in Senior Housing Objectives To test the impact of placing a wellness team (nurse a Read More
Date of Study June 24, 2015 Medication Management, HomeMeds/Home-delivered Meal Program Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County (MOWI) collaborated with local Read More
Date of Study June 3, 2013 Meals and Medical Nutrition Therapy Abstract Chronically ill populations have a strong need for quality pu Read More
Date of Study April 17, 2019 Telehealth Intervention Programs for Seniors (TIPS) Background Chronic disease in older adults is estimated to account for Read More
Date of Study January 29, 2018 Ride Share Background Transportation to primary care is a well-documented barrier Read More
Date of Study March 12, 2021 Connecting Provider to Home program Objective Patients with multiple medical conditions and complex social Read More
Date of Study June 22, 2018 Better Choices Better Health Diabetes (BCBH-D) Background An estimated 30.3 million Americans have diabetes mellitus. Read More
Date of Study December 6, 2013 Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Background Among the most studied evidence-based programs, the Chronic Read More