Level: Intermediate

Date of Study Mission Possible: AAAs Harnessing IT for MLTSS and Beyond With Pennsylvania’s looming shift to managed long-term service Read More
Date of Study P4P: Support MCO Performance-Based Payment Programs with Quality Measures & Cost Modeling For a Competitive Market Advantage Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities Read More
Date of Study Demonstrating and Measuring Quality in the New Managed LTSS Paradigm (2017) Demonstrating value through the quality of your AAA or CBO services Read More
Date of Study Being a Stronger and More Effective Organization: Strategic Planning, Performance and Risk Management AAAs and other CBOs are working in an ever-changing landscape that i Read More
Date of Study Senior Center Evaluation Toolkit This toolkit was developed by the Florida Department of Elder Affair Read More
Date of Study HIPAA & HITECH Compliance for CBO-Healthcare Partnerships   Compliance programming for federal and state regulations is Read More
Date of Study MACRA and CBOs: New Opportunities for Engagement Abound While much of the nation is focused on the possible repeal of the A Read More
Date of Study Administration for Community Living (ACL) Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP)   TO NAVIGATE TO THE PROJECT LANDING PAGE, PLEASE CLICK HERE & Read More
Date of Study Aging and Disability Business Institute Session Slides from 2017 n4a Conference The Aging and Disability Business Institute’s staff and partn Read More
Date of Study MACRA and CBOs: New Opportunities for Engagement Abound The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) ha Read More