Level: Advanced

Date of Study Optimize Your Post-Acute Network As hospitals and health systems look to enhance their delivery netwo Read More
Date of Study TIM TALKS Webinar: Establishing CBO-Physician Collaborations to Implement Reimbursable Chronic Care Management Services New business opportunities are springing up for community-based orga Read More
Date of Study TIM TALKS Webinar: Chronic Care Management (CCM) – Moving from Planning to Implementation The new Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Complex Chronic Care Manag Read More
Date of Study TIM Talks Webinar: Care Management – The Build vs Buy Discussion As new health care payment and delivery models encourage increased a Read More
Date of Study Medicare Provider Enrollment Tip Sheet for CBOs There are an increasing number of opportunities for Area Agencies on Read More
Date of Study Mission Possible: AAAs Harnessing IT for MLTSS and Beyond With Pennsylvania’s looming shift to managed long-term service Read More
Date of Study P4P: Support MCO Performance-Based Payment Programs with Quality Measures & Cost Modeling For a Competitive Market Advantage Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities Read More
Date of Study Demonstrating and Measuring Quality in the New Managed LTSS Paradigm (2017) Demonstrating value through the quality of your AAA or CBO services Read More
Date of Study Senior Center Evaluation Toolkit This toolkit was developed by the Florida Department of Elder Affair Read More
Date of Study HIPAA & HITECH Compliance for CBO-Healthcare Partnerships   Compliance programming for federal and state regulations is Read More