Advancing Service Equity Through Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in Health Payer Contracting for Centers for Independent Living and Statewide Independent Living Councils

Join us for a compelling webinar brought to you by ILRU and USAging featuring leaders with a background in Independent Living and disability experts with strong knowledge and understanding of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and Health Payer contracting. This webinar will focus on the importance of DEIA for CILs and SILCs as disability-led organizations and their consumers in health payer partnerships while highlighting innovative ideas, approaches, and opportunities to advancing health equity within such contracted partnerships. This webinar will also touch on how these partnerships can support health payer requirements to further DEIA.


Webinar Learning Objectives:

  • Webinar attendees will understand the value of fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within contractual partnerships between CILs / SILCs and Health Payers.
  • Webinar attendees will understand the importance of equitable access to healthcare for individuals with disabilities and how collaborative partnerships between CILs and / or SILCs and Health Payers can further this access.
  • Webinar attendees will understand the obligations of their CIL or SILC in advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility and how to do so in an innovative and meaningful manner with Health Payers.
  • Webinar attendees will understand how CILs and SILCs are best suited to contractually support and empower Health Payers with meeting / exceeding their requirements to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.


Webinar Speakers / Presenters:

Amber OHaver, Chief Revolutionary Officer for Disability Revolution, Inc.

Rick Fredrickson, Regional Vice President – Business Development for Centene

Audrey Schremmer, Executive Director for Three Rivers, Inc.


Webinar Slides

Webinar Transcript 

Webinar recording